Increasing Flexibility with Remote Assessment

The education sector is constantly developing, bringing new reforms and fresh ways of enhancing the learner experience. 

Over the years, we’ve kept our ears perked, nose to the wind, and eyes peeled to ensure we're constantly staying ahead of the curve and providing assessment solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s learners.  

This innovative approach has helped us create a truly transformational solution for our Functional Skills assessments: 100% remote assessment. 

What is remote assessment? 

Remote assessment empowers training providers and learners by giving them increased assessment flexibility.   

Learners can take their exams at their own convenience without the need for a physical invigilator or a fixed schedule. The assessment’s booked, the learner accesses our online exam system when they want, and they take their assessment. Simple! 

For learners, this means they can perform to their very best, safe in the knowledge that they’re taking their assessment at a time and place that works for them. For training providers, it means no rescheduled assessments, cancellations or the financial and operational problems that go with those things.  

In other words, it’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Record and review invigilation 

Remote assessment is enabled by what we call record and review invigilation.

As part of record and review invigilation, there's no need for an Invigilator to be present when the exam is taking place. It’s all recorded by the learner’s webcam and is ready to be reviewed at a later date.  

It’s a new way to think about assessment, and it’s one we’re pretty proud of!  

Of course, this approach demands technology that’s up to the task, and that’s where our exam system comes into play.

Learners simply log in to the system when they’re ready and, as they’re completing their assessment, the system records everything they’re doing, ready for it to be invigilated at a later date.

Sound complicated? Don’t worry, we’ve removed all the bumps in the road by introducing the following elements, which help make for streamlined and compliant assessments:

  • There's no need to worry about learners getting an unfair advantage or not complying with exam conditions because our room-sweeping technology ensures they record a short video of their surroundings and confirm that everything is correct and compliant.

  • There’s nothing worse than getting halfway through an assessment, acing every question, preparing to press “submit”, and the computer crashes.

    Luckily, we have the perfect solution!

    Before beginning their exam, learners must complete a diagnostic test, which analyses their system and determines if it meets the necessary requirements. If it does, they’re good to go! If it doesn’t, they’ll be told what’s wrong and how it can be changed.

  • Even the best technology takes some getting used to. That’s why we provide a comprehensive library of resources to give you and your learners everything you need to get to grips with the exam system.

    This means that even a tech novice will be able to take their assessment with confidence and avoid the unnecessary voids that can sometimes go hand-in-hand with new ways of working.

So there you have it: TQUK changing the game again with fresh thinking and innovative approaches.

Sound good? Get in touch with us today to find out how our approach to on-demand assessment can lead to better outcomes for you and your learners.  


The Secret Behind TQUK’s Learner-Friendly Functional Skills Assessments


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